You can’t! Or can you? This phrase gets misused…often. So I figured it’s about time I addressed it. We all hear it. Especially when someone has done something very wrong or just used very poor judgment. To be clear, I’ve done both of those many times. So in that regard, I don’t “judge” anyone either. But is that an acceptable response when we do those things?
To be clear, I’m firmly of the belief that there is forgiveness for anything. That God is bigger than your problems. That you didn’t do anything to earn God’s love, so you can’t do anything to lose it. I believe that no matter how “big” the mistake, God is bigger and ready to move forward and move on. I also believe that if there is a true change of heart, then you accept the fact that God loves you where you are but loves you too much to leave you where you are. Having said that, when confronted by someone with the realization that what you’re doing is wrong, if your go-to phrase is “you can’t judge me!”, then we’re no longer talking about someone that is looking for help. We’re now talking about someone that refuses help, thus completely stifling your growth as a person.
Here’s the thing about that phrase. It’s usually used as an attempt to remove shame and/or attention. “You aren’t perfect, so you can’t judge me.” It’s also become a self-serving license to live how we want with zero accountability for our actions. “I can do whatever I want and you can’t judge me!” Obviously, neither is good or correct.
The first, “you aren’t perfect, so you can’t judge me”, If that’s where we live our lives, we only go backwards… at a fast pace. No one is perfect. So when you steal someone’s wallet for the 14th time in 2 months right after you got out of jail for the same offense, you still want no one to judge you? I’m not saying there isn’t help. What I’m saying is, if you have the propensity to make the same bad decision over and over, or even make a bunch of different bad decisions over and over, you need someone in your life “judging” you to help you fix the wrong path you’re on and improve the quality of your life. Claiming that no is perfect so no one can judge you allows you to just stay in same rut you’ve been in and dig it even deeper.
“I can do whatever I want and you can’t judge me.” This one is closely related. But maybe even worse. At least when you claim no one is perfect, you’re admitting what you’re doing is wrong on many levels. But doing whatever you want implies you have no intention of bettering yourself or just stopping the destructive behavior. This phrase often comes from a place of anger, resentment and on the defense. You feel attacked and are making yourself feel justified. You’re on a fast track to total destruction and You’re making every excuse why it’s ok. Well it’s not ok.
And what’s interesting is the verse people quote when they’re making this point. Luke 6:42 “How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite.” And this is where they stop.
They’ve justified their own transgressions. The problem is there’s more to the verse… “first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” He didn’t say you can’t point out the speck, He only said take your plank out first, THEN you’ll see the speck clearly.
This implies that we are, most certainly, supposed to judge each other. At least that’s what this passage says, “These are the things which you should do: speak the truth with one another; judge with truth and pronounce the judgment that brings peace in [the courts at] your gates.” ZECHARIAH 8:16 AMP
So what now? Start pointing fingers? Nope. Continue to open your arms to those that are struggling. Those that don’t know another way until you show them. Continue to remember the chains that God set you free from. Continue to celebrate with those making tough but eternal decisions. But also live your life with accountability. Surround yourself with people that will call you out (or judge you) and push you to be a better person. Stop using this phrase as a crutch and a license to stop growing as a person. Anything that comes easy, probably isn’t worth very much. It’s not easy to grow as a person. It’s not easy to be walking one direction and make a turn in the other, knowing you may lose some friends along the way. It’s tough. But it’s worth it in the long run. You can judge me… but always in love!
Stay Classy GP!
Very encouraging, and all very good to note; but might I respectfully add that folks need to be there during the good times for people as well as being there in the bad giving them accountability/advice, etc.
I think that a huge reason some folks get defensive is because people, especially “God’s people,” tend to point flaws out and hold others accountable when something is wrong in their life, yet not pay any attention to them and spend time with them during their good and fruitful times. Just my two cents and perspective 😉