Welcome to our blog… just an opinion formed from experience. We’ll discuss a variety of topics that include politics, religion and relationships, among others.
Jason and Jennifer
Jason and Jennifer Grainger have 8 children and work a total of 4 businesses. Their story is quite opposite and very complimentary to each other. They come from completely different backgrounds and each have a story to tell that you will see here. We are open to questions about the topics we cover. Thanks for visiting!
The author, Jason Grainger, was raised by a minister. His mother is a licensed counselor and Jason has 3 brothers: 2 are licensed ministers and one is retired military/current firefighter and Jason has a degree in psychology. It is in his DNA to help people. He has developed a sense of bringing together those that wouldn’t normally stand together. He spent 15 years in the music industry doing everything from playing, singing, producing, road managing, songwriting among other jobs. He is raising bonus sons and daughters with Jennifer Grainger. He’s currently helping run 4 businesses.